Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Yoga & Wellbeing
Consultations, Workshops and Herb walks
Over the past 20 years as a medical herbalist I have done various consultation work with companies and organisations that have required some professional herbal knowledge, including being a Senior Herbal Advisor for Twinings. This has also included:

  • developing childrens workshops for the Thackray Medical Museum
  • running various workshops for Countryside Learning, the National Trust and RHS Harlow Carr
  • helping promote public awareness and enjoyment of local habitats for Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Leeds Civic Trust and Wakefield County Council
  • advising on herbal ingredients and production for natural bodycare products and herbal beverages

If you feel I may be of help with your current or up and coming project, do contact me to discuss further.

Contact Us

Bel Charlesworth
Tel: 07775 920079

Email: info@yorkshireherbalist.co.uk

Bel Charlesworth Medical Herbalist

Bel Charlesworth MNIMH
Medical Herbalist

BSc Herbal Medicine

Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists since 2003

Tel: 07775 920079

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Herbal Medicine, Nutrition & Wellbeing

Workshops & Herb walks

Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Based in Otley, West Yorkshire

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