Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, Yoga & Wellbeing
Consultations, Workshops and Herb walks
I initially trained as Dru Yoga teacher and have since completed a 2 year Diploma in Yoga therapy. I also have further training in Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga and am an accredited Meditation teacher and Director of the Meditation Centre in Dent in the Yorkshire Dales.

My one to one sessions can involve physical asana/posture work, breathing and/or meditation techniques and are aimed at those either with a specific issue in mind e.g. health-related or to support training/running and/or those who would like to bring a yoga session into their daily routine but either don’t know how to start, don’t have time to attend regular classes and/or just want to invest some time in themselves. I can incorporate any of the yoga styles I am trained with to suit the clients needs best.

One to one sessions:
Yoga therapy
First session £75 (90 minutes) then £40 per hourly session

Learn to Meditate course
3 x 90 min sessions plus follow-up £250

For more info on Dru Yoga visit www.druworldwide.com

One to one session times

All currently via Zoom Tuesday to Friday

To make an appointment or further info please call me on 07775 920079.

Contact Us

Bel Charlesworth
Tel: 07775 920079

Email: info@yorkshireherbalist.co.uk

Bel Charlesworth Medical Herbalist

Bel Charlesworth MNIMH
Medical Herbalist

BSc Herbal Medicine

Member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists since 2003

Tel: 07775 920079

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Herbal Medicine, Nutrition & Wellbeing

Workshops & Herb walks

Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Based in Otley, West Yorkshire

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